Monday, October 11, 2010


Well I am getting Antsy for Emery to make her debut. I turned 35 weeks on Friday and last weeks check up went well. My Doctor will start "checking" me at my next appointment. This weekend we did a few chores to get ready for Emery. We Semi-packed our bags and put the car seat bases in both vehicles. It was a strange sight to see when I got in my car this morning and looked back to reverse out the driveway. I thought to myself, "wow this is gonna happen soon." But How Soon??? That is the magic question. Yes I know God made this 40 weeks but sometimes the baby comes early. How early?? I just want to know!!! I'm sure OBGYN's have wanted to know that their whole career. If I knew I wouldn't be worried to let Archie go hunting. He wants to go and I'm sure he will go this weekend but what about next? My Doctor says this will be my last trip to Beaumont (part of my territory) for work and said to tell those doctors see ya next year! Which I am not complaining because I hate driving back and forth to Beaumont every week. The good thing is I feel great. Large but Great. I'm also getting worried about how long it will take to get the pounds off. I think about it all the time. I know I know what everyone says but I still think about it constantly. Call me crazy! I don't care! It's just me. Well hope all is well with you!


jill said...

Good Luck! This is a hard time, just waiting to know what your story will be! I had my bags packed at 32 wks and waited what felt like forever. He was 5 days early, for the record. The pounds will come off pretty fast - you are full of fluid that you will lose, and you'll be way too busy to eat!

The Heberts said...

Thanks Jill! I sure hope so!