Monday, January 11, 2010

Hot Tails website

Hebert's Hot Tails has a website! YAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! This is very exciting for us!!! Sunday Archie and I went over to our friends Shalon & Sean Carnahans and Sean helped us get things set up. I have no idea how to do this myself so he was a huge help (well let's be honest he did all the leg work) I just spiced it up a bit after he showed me how. Thanks Sean! This website I LOVE because it's interactive. You can become a member; I guess it's kinda like a Facebook on our website. Yep, That would be the best way to describe it. You have to check it out to see what I mean. It really resembles a blog. Which is great because I know how to blog. There's Pictures, you can make comments, just go to it and become a member! And pass it on to your friends please! Word of mouth is KEY for our business so we need you to spread the word.

Also we are on the B4-u-eat website so go to it, enter our name in the search and write a nice review:). That way when people google "crawfish in Spring TX" we can pop up! Thanks! Much Love

1 comment:

Christa said...

this is where I found one online.. i got mine here in a store in Sugar Land.. Good to know you have a crawfish company!!!!!!! YUM