Here is Lyla's Birth story:
Sunday February 12th I turned 36 weeks prego. Around 4:30 P.m. I started having mild contractions. Archie decided to leave and go check on things at the hut and I needed to head to HEB to get Milk for Emery. As I walked the aisles of HEB i started to cry my contractions were hurting me so bad. So as Emery and I headed back home I called Archie in tears asking him to come home and help with Emery so I could get through the pain.
He got home around 6 and I was on the floor trying to think of what to do.
He insisted we go to the hospital or call someone so I called my friend Natalie and asked her if she thought It was for real. My contractions were 3 and five minutes apart pretty consistently. She suggested we go get checked but That they would not be back for another hour or two to be able to watch Emery.
So I called my mom who had just got back to Lake Charles from our house. They had come and helped us pack up the rest of the house. On a side note we went and looked at the new house earlier that day around noon and I played a joke on her yelling from upstairs that my water had broke. We laughed and she said watch it Candice Don't jinx yourself. As i called and told her we may head to the hospital she said I told you so!
So back to the story. Around 7:30 we went to the hospital. Me, Archie, & Emery. They sent me to triage and Archie and Emery to the waiting area.
I told nurse Beth that there was NO WAY this could be happening because I am moving on Friday. She informed me that I was 3 cm, almost 100% effaced and my water bag was halfway out.
GREAT! So she went and told Archie and he brought emery to the Nances for the night who so nicely let me daughter sleep in their bed. Thank you Natalie!
I got an epidural at 5cm, and stayed at 6 for the night.
Dr broke my water at 630 am on Monday
Lyla was born at 929 am February 13, 2012 6 lbs 1 oz and 19.5 inches long.
She had Jaundice (so did Emery) but other than losing a little weight shes perfect! We are so blessed and thankful for everyone that helped us that week. it is truly a blur but somehow we had a baby on Monday and moved a whole house on that Friday.
Lyla is long and skinny. her feet are definitely longer then Emerys were.
Emery has been great with Lyla. Always kissing her and patting her head. So Sweet :)
I sent this one to my BF Tiffany and she said the caption to this picture is Emery saying
"Lyla you will obey me"
I think its a perfect caption LOL
Congrats! What a crazy time for ya'll! Lyla is beautiful, and I love her name.
Congrats! Looking forward to meeting her.
Congrats on your newest princess! Glad yall are doing well :)
Congrats! Such a Beautiful family! They're gonna be heartbreakers! ;-) Much love to all!
I love your updates. You are doing a great job Candice. Those 2 beautiful cutie patooties are so lucky to have a Mommy like u !!
Haha! That's a great caption!
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