The definition of resolution:
res·o·lu·tion 1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.2. A resolving to do something.
3. A course of action determined or decided on.
Every year we all make resolutions, promises to do something better, something different this year. Most of the time we Vow to do things to improve our lives whether it be to lose weight or take more time for the family. Most of the time we stick to our resolutions for a couple of months then its back to our old ways. Which is why some people think it is dumb to even make them. But Its fun so we are making some resolutions at the Hebert household.
Candice's Resolutions:
1) Lose the baby weight. I dont have much more to go but it would be nice to lose a little extra :)
2) Stop swearing so much. Mommy has a potty mouth!
3) Be the best wife and mother I can be
4) Work Harder and Smarter at my job
5) Take time to stop and appreciate how fortunate we really are and what a wonderful life we have
Emery's Resolutions:
1) To continue being the good baby she is
2) To move into her own room and start sleeping in her crib
3) To Sleep from 9-6, (currently we are waking up at 3 for a feeding), or just to sleep longer than a 6 hour stretch
4) To remind mommy and daddy everyday that the Lord has blessed them with such a beautiful gift
5) To do more chores around the house (OK maybe that's asking for a little too much :)
Archie's Resolutions
1) Keep being Me...
2) Quit taking things for granted, and focus on the Future (and not the past).
3) Try to improve on my faith & beliefs.
4) Time Management!
5) Enjoy my wonderful life and family that we have created for ourselves.
I hope you all have a wonderful New year! Love the Hebert's!