Friday, July 31, 2009


So I'm sitting at my house all alone because my husband has left me to go hang out at his Hunting camp. Which Is fine with me but I just realized something. I'm Alone! Which Truth be told is quite rare. Archie and I spend every minute we can together. I can't honestly think of the last weekend we were apart! May be sad but it also shows you that we can stand each other and must really love each other and don't get "too annoyed" with one another.
So I went to the gym, then to Target to get cleaning supplies and wine. That is what my weekend is going to consist of: Cleaning House and Organizing Quick Books for the Business. Meanwhile I am cracking up at Milo. If You have never been to our house then you have not heard the unpleasant noises that come from the yard behind us. Our Back neighbors have roosters and Chickens. We Have lived here 2 1/2 years and I am still not used to the Cock-a-doodling I hear every morning around 4a.m. So back to why Milo is making me laugh. Roosters "roost" so they fly up into the tree around 7 or 8p.m. to "roost" & Milo has just recently noticed this and watches them from the window inside and growls. When I let him out he hauls booty to the fence barking like he can do something and the roosters just fly back down. Scooter has no clue why Milo is even barking. Poor thing He will catch on soon! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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