Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stay at home mom

Today I got to be a stay at home mom. Emery's sitter was sick so I had no where to bring her. And so my mom says "if you lived here (in LC) I could watch her!" Yes yes I know but we don't so I had to take off work. And let me just say I could totally stay home with her everyday. I love it and Love being around her and soaking her all in. One day, one day maybe I can... A girl can dream right?? Emery is talking all the time now. I just wish I knew what she was saying. The video above is her talking and she should have said "excuse me" at the end :)

Here she is in her room (excuse the mess on the floor) she was rolling around and I got some cute faces she made.

And finally! My dad keeps asking me "Does Eme roll all the way over Candice or just from back to front?" to which I tell him "yes Dad" but I have yet to get it on video. Well today I finally have proof for him!
Emery is such a happy baby 24/7. She does great at the crawfish hut on the weekends. I thought it may be a little adjustment for her but nope, she just goes with the flow.

I am still struggling with the decision to quit nursing. I have a lot on my plate these days with working, her, stuff for the hut, and I do most of the work around the house because Archie does not get home until 630 at night. Quitting pumping would just be one less thing for me to worry about. One less thing off my plate. I know I need to do it but I just feel guilty. And to be honest I'm scared of the pain of drying up. I am starting to resent it mainly because of the pump. I nurse in the morning, then pump before I leave for work, Pump twice during the day and then at night before bed. So that's four times on the pump everyday for around 20 minutes each time. It's just Monotonous! Your thinking I'm crazy and after reading this I know it seems like a no brainer. I just need a little more support from my teammate...... Well if you have any suggestions on the quitting process let me know!


hello said...

Candice, I know every woman is different, but I nursed twice, and it didn't hurt either time when I stopped. I don't know if you dislike nursing completely, or only pumping, but if you want to quit pumping and only nurse (meaning once in the morning, once at night, or on or the other) your body will adjust to that, too. You could give her formula for the rest of the day. That way you don't have to feel as guilty, which, by the way, you shouldn't be guilty anyway.

It will all work out...You are her Mommy, and you know what is best for her. And, what is really best for her is a happy, healthy Mommy :)

Sarah said...

The best advice someone told me was to remember breastfeeding is not an "all or nothing" thing. You can start cutting down your pumping sessions slowly, use your freezer stash, add in a little formula and just see how it goes.

I TOTALLY feel you on the pump resentment! At 6 months, I started to despise it. At 7 I hated it and knew it was time to quit. I cut a pump every 4-5 days and never had any pain. I pumped the last time on C's 8month birthday!

Don't beat yourself up over it... you've done a great thing for her and stopping/slowing down isn't going to take any of that away.