Emery is 12 weeks old and is just growing so fast! She now weighs 12lbs 9oz and smiles and coos back and forth with me. She is so observant and loves to laugh at the TV. She is truly such a happy baby! She sleeps in her crib all night long, and sometimes I am forced to wake her up in the morning so that I can feed her and get her ready to go to the sitter's. Speaking of which I am still undecided about. I like our sitter, I trust her and everything but I think she may be watching too many kids and I am concerned That Emery might not be getting the attention she needs. Archie told me I have to give it more than a weeks try so I will but if I still feel the same way in a couple of weeks we may be looking elsewhere.
On another note Emy rolled over for the first time last night! She went from Back to belly then back over again. I have tried to catch it on video but It's like she notices me filming her and just stares at the camera! Silly girl!
We are hoping to open the crawfish hut super bowl weekend....